

Field with small yellow flowers and blurry background

Modular aproach

We understand that genetic variation is a fundamental aspect of trait discovery. Leveraging this knowledge, we developed a powerful technology that allows for the identification of precise single nucleotide changes by combining extremely large crop populations and a very sensitive screening method.

Depending on the crop, TraitSource libraries can contain hundreds of thousands of plants. We use that magnitude of size for these libraries, so we can guarantee to find any genetic variant. Through our technology, we have revolutionized the field of trait discovery, enabling us to identify and deliver valuable genetic variants to our customers. And to make this even better, we can do this incredibly fast while only using traditional breeding technologies.

The Process


The proprietary process of identifying and extracting the desired traits is called the TraitTracker procedure, which is based on the FIND-IT methodology. It combines traditional breeding technologies with surgical precision and accuracy to rapidly identify genetic variants.


In only 4 weeks

The initial step is to find the target genetic variants in our libraries. We can quickly and precisely screen large populations, ensuring genetic variant identification in record times.


In only 4 weeks

After identification, we extract the genetic variant from the libraries. Through our pooling system, we can efficiently extract specific genetic variants from our extensive libraries.


Anywhere in the world

After we find the targeted genetic variant, we will deliver it you in the form of a plantlet or seed. Upon delivery, you get control of the genetic variant, whether its for research, publications, or patenting.

Genetic Variation Possibilities

Our technology allows for the creation of plants with precise mutations using traditional breeding technologies. We have full coverage of genetic variants in both coding and non-coding DNA. These capabilities create a powerful research tool to study the function and/or regulation of genes in plants with specific traits.

Loss of function

Our technology allows us to quickly find gene knockouts, where a gene has lost its function. As genes can be knocked out in multiple ways, we provide full coverage of this type of mutation in any of our TraitSource libraries. Knockouts are important for functional studies in plant biology and can reveal insights into gene and function relationships.

For example, the production of bitter compounds in lupins is related to the AT gene, which can be knocked out to create sweet lupin varieties. This University of Copenhagen research was published in Science Advances, using our FIND-IT technology with a proprietary custom lupin library.

Amino Acid Changes

In addition to gene knockouts, we can also identify and extract specific nucleotide changes in the genome, leading to an amino acid change on the protein level. Our technology allows us to screen for these mutations with high sensitivity and precision, providing the opportunity to create plants with specific traits.

For instance, an amino acid change near the transmembrane helix in the CslF6 enzyme in barley leads to lower levels of β-glucan in the seed. This makes the malting process more sustainable while not negatively impacting the yield like a gene knockout did. The FIND-IT technology contributed to this result published in Science Advances, which led to a newly developed barley variety.

Regulation of Expression

Regulation of gene expression refers to the control mechanisms that determine when, where, and to what extent a gene's expression is activated or repressed. Plants employ intricate mechanisms to modulate gene expression, finely tuning it in response to varying light intensities, stress signals, hormonal cues, etc. Our technology can provide a genetic variant in the non-coding part of the genome allowing to modulate the expression levels of a gene of interest.

An example of a specific nucleotide substitution trait in oats could be the substitution of a single nucleotide in the promoter region of the VERNALIZATION1 (vrn1) gene, which controls flowering time. This substitution can lead to earlier or later flowering, allowing for better adaptation to different environments.

Discover our libraries

With access to the largest libraries in the world, you as a researcher can efficiently request specific mutations for your research needs. From legumes to macroalgae, explore our library page to discover the newest possibilities for your research today.

Discover our libraries

Unraveling the technology

Am I truly free to publish my research using TraitSource's genetic variants?

Yes! There are no strings attached to using our mutants for research and publishing. In fact, we even encourage it. We do not restrict you in publishing your research results or patenting your traits.

If I desire a gene knockout, can I choose a specific nucleotide change that creates the loss of function?

Yes! You are free to choose your preferred nucleotide change that knocks out the gene in your chosen crop.

How will you deliver the genetic variants?

We deliver the genetic variants for crops in the form of a plantlet or seed. This depends on the type of crop. For microbes, we deliver the genetic variants in a culture or glycerol stock.  If you would like to know this information for a specific crop, please contact us.

Are the genetic variants coming from TraitSource regulated as GMOs?

No! As our technology only uses traditional breeding technologies, such as mutagens with a history of safe-use, we can assure you that our genetic variants are regulated as conventional.

Learn more about the possibilities of using TraitSource for your research

Connect with us to learn more about TraitSource's extensive libraries and its possibilities for you. We are committed to forming partnerships with researchers worldwide to meet every unique need.

Let’s discuss your needs